Vol: 21 ...............No:1.............................................................................. February/March 2008
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The Sky is the limit,
for Namibia’s own Haute Couture Duo – Don and Gisela
By Elizabeth Shinyama

“We cannot work without each other, we just make better creations together” says Gisela
excitingly. They say teamwork will win; well in this case, it is definitely winning. The two young designers, Gisela McLeod and Donald Diergaardt, simply known as Don and Gisela are at it and making GGM Creations big. Not only are they trend-setting fashion designers, but they cater for all ages and needs, from baptism outfits to confirmations, from matric farewell outfits to just a simple outfit with your girls out, from corporate function outfits to wedding gowns.

Don and Gisela met in 2001, at a fashion show where Don was modeling for G4 modeling agency and Gisela was showcasing her garments. They made a team as Don was good in designing sketches and Gisela was already gifted from the tender age of nine, so Gisela brought Don to a sewing machine and showed him the ropes. She was taught by her mother and she believes that, “Designing schools in Namibia are common but they are not affordable. She says, “Skillful tailors are scarce in Namibia and are known to be three only.

“Older designers focus on African or traditional attires, but have a German influence to it, this is done to try to level with the market as the trends are mostly European influence. Most books with patterns for designers are from Europe. The Duo also uses African material, and mixes it with western material to suit the market. Foreigners mostly make African attires on request.

“The price range is affordable and their income is quite stable”, says Don. They are quite humble as they involve themselves in charity fashion shows at least three times a year, as they spend most of their times trying to satisfy their customers. Some of the shows are namely, The Aids Awareness fashion Show, Orphan fundraiser at the Franco Namibia Cultural Centre, Cancer Show at studio 77, and fundraiser show to raise tuition fees for the students at the polytechnic of Namibia.



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